The main difference between a House and bungalow or cottage house Design.
It's a Home models in Tamilnadu. 800 square feet. There are many reasons for living in a bungalow. If you ask this question, “What is the difference between a house and a bungalow?" to bungalow or cottage homeowners, they will definitely reply with these answers: a structure serving as an abode of human beings while a bungalow is a small house or cottage usually having a single story. accessibility, low maintenance, and low cost. There are other benefits, but these three are always the top reasons people prefer a bungalow over a multi-level house.
Bungalow House Design. |
Do you want to know about this house, What's is bungalow house? or what's makes a house a bungalow or cottage house. Small bangla house design. It's a small bungalow house or cottage that is either single-story or has a second story if you want to build it.
It's a Vasthu kerala house plans,Kerala vastu based house plans. House design top vew.
House Design top view,Vasthu kerala house plans |
How big is the bungalow house? It's a single-story bungalow or cottage house plans, floor plans & design. House design in nepal.
House land area.
Lenght - 31'
Wide - 39'
Total area - 1209 SFT.
Do you know, How many rooms are in the bungalow house? 2 bedrooms with attached toilet, Living & Dining Space, Kitchen, common Toilet & stair area.
Porch - 06' - 06" x 07' - 0"
Bedroom 01 - 12' - 06" X 12' - 0" ( Toilet - 10' -0" x 7' - 0" )
Bedroom 02 - 13 ' - 0" x 14' - 0" ( Toilet - 10' - 0" x 07' - 0" )
Living & Dining Space - 16' - 09" x 11' - 06"
Kitchen - 10' - 0" x 06' - 05"
Common Toilet - 07'- 0" x 04' - 06"
Stair Area - 07- 06" x 11' - 06"
Do bungalows have basements? There is no basement of this bungalow house, Simply put, a bungalow is a one-story house. This can include houses with or without basements. you may park a car in front of the house.
Bungalow House Interior Design. Tamilnadu home design and gallery. There are many creative designs that really look elegant and expensive but actually, they are not costly. There are really sophisticated designs that are affordable because they use affordable materials to make them. Here is the affordable interior design of the bungalow house.
Living & Dining Area |
Living & Dining Area |
Living & Dining Area |
Living & Dining Area |
BEDROOM - 02 |
BEDROOM - 02 |
BEDROOM - 02_ Attach Toilet |
BEDROOM - 01 |
Adorable home bathroom |
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